3G people - updating, or no?

Curious if people with the 3G devices are updating to 4g @$77 each or trying something different. I'm still undecided on it, and will certainly have at least a lapse in service. I had hoped for a better deal than paying full price for the device. When Automatic went out of business, they refunded the price of the device(s), and honestly the part that annoys me most is the eMail announcing the end of 3G where it says "we don't make money on the device"...come on, sounds like a car dealer "I'm losing money on this deal!". 

There are companies selling 4G devices for $25, with month to month service, so I find it hard to believe "we lose money on the hardware, but we don't care!"  

Anyway, wondering what others are doing, I would assume most are buying, but I'll wait at least long enough where the 3G->4G purchase actually does cost them money.

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