Last Health Check

On the Device menu in the app (v3.12.4) the Last Health Check time is being updated regularly even though it seems the car is not being driven. Does the device periodically wake up and send an "I'm alive" message? Or does this mean something else? I find it suspicious the car hasn't been driven.

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  • Thanks for reaching out!

    Approximately every three hours the device attempts to send a quick ‘health-check’ to verify that it is functioning as expected. 

    This is completely normal behavior and designed to confirm that the device installed and available. 

    Reach out anytime! 

  • Good to know, but one more question. Does this mean the device is still in the vehicle? Or does it have it's own small power source for these update? In other words, if it has been removed will it still send a positive health check?

  • The health check confirms the device is installed.

    If the device were to be removed from the vehicle, no health check event would occur.🙂

  • Excellent, thanks. Good feature- should be mentioned and explained for people like me =)

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  • 3 yrs agoLast active
  • 4Replies
  • 89Views
  • 2 Following