IFTTT - data inaccurate

I have 3 vehicles. With IFTTT I set it to log a row to a spreadsheet in Google Drive. The logging for all 3 works, but the data is not complete/correct. For all 3, the mph row is blank. The gallons column is 0 for at least one vehicle, and the travel time is also incorrect for that vehicle (one car I haven't driven enough to determine).

 I didn't make at changes to template on IFTTT, and the vehicles that don't show gallons (and have incorrect time) do report gas values. The car that does show the "gallons" correctly, does not report "fuel level". The IFTTT template is as follows:

{{StartOfTrip}}|||{{StartOfTripLocation}}|||{{EndOfTrip}}|||{{EndOfTripLocation}}|||{{TripTime}}|||{{TripDistance}}|||miles|||{{FuelConsumed}}|||gallons||||||mph||| {{IdleTime}}

   Also, as a suggestion recording the longitude/latitude would be helpful for situations where "unnamed road" comes up. If there are other fields available (not sure where to find that), please let me know.  

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  • Hi Rich, I sent and reviewed all of the details to our engineering team and they should be reaching out shortly. 

  • I would be interested as well if longitude/latitude or other fields are available. 

    • Sean Mare
    • Sean_Mare
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Could someone post a link to this ifttt recipe? I loved having ifttt log all my trips to Goodle Sheets from Automatic, and I'd like to do the same thing with Bouncie.

    • Ken Polleck
    • Home Automator and Quantified Self
    • Ken_Polleck
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Sean Mare It's not a published recipe (applet). You have to create (i.e. https://ifttt.com/create/ ) your own...selecting Bouncie "Trip was completed" for the IF and Google Sheets for the THEN.

    However, with the new IFTTT, you have to either pay for the Pro version or this becomes one of your three free applets.

    I suspect the team at Bouncie could create an applet that we could use without having to pay for IFTTT Pro--but it appears they would need an IFTTT Team or IFTTT Enterprise license where they pay for each of us users.  I don't know if Bouncie has that or plan to have that.  IFTTT is trying to create a business model that works for themselves, but they seem to be chasing away users and developers.  I hope that Bouncie doesn't leave them, however, because IFTTT support is the top reason I picked Bouncie over other brands of car trackers.

    ...and here (from me) is another vote for latitude/longitude.  My need is that I want to supplement my Google Sheet with looked-up location names, and I really need latitude / longitude to do that.

    Yes, I know I can export (via the web interface) the latitude and longitude, but that's an extra step and begins to eliminate the value of IFTTT.  After all, I could just download the CSV file once per day from the Bouncie web.

    • Ken Polleck
    • Home Automator and Quantified Self
    • Ken_Polleck
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Rich T.  FYI:  The "mph" column is blank because the formula for what is posted has six vertical bars:  ||||||

    Three vertical bars is the separator in IFTTT to move to the next column, so six vertical bars leaves a blank column.  You probably want to include, as part of the "Formatted Row"...


      • Rich T.
      • rich_t
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Ken Polleck  Thanks - yeah, I figured it out a while ago, but thanks. I found it like that on IFTTT. I now have it as:

      {{CreatedAt}}|||{{StartOfTrip}}|||{{StartOfTripLocation}}|||{{EndOfTrip}}|||{{EndOfTripLocation}}|||{{TripTime}}|||{{TripDistance}}|||{{FuelConsumed}}|||{{MaxSpeed}}||| {{TripTime}}||| {{AverageDriveSpeed}}|||{{IdleTime}}||| {{HardBrakingCounts}}||| {{HardAccelerationCounts}}

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      • Rich T.
      • rich_t
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Just noticed I have trip time in there 2x.

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