Developer API

I am looking at buying this but I am wondering if you offer a API for developers? I am looking at buying this but wanted to know if I can integrate with Home Assistant first.



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  • I too am looking for a new device to work with Home Assistant.  A developer API would make that far more likely to happen.  

    Like 1
  • An automatic convert, just installed bouncie and also looking for home assistant integration.  Emailed for api access to see what that looks like, seems a bit 'beta' to me at this point but we'll see.

  • There is an API, and I do have it integrated into Node Red and passing Data into Home Assistant. I actually have it going through a separate off box Node Red instance, and from there to Home Assistant. I believe documentation is at

    • Tony Gauderman thanks for sharing, I don't have much knowledge about programming but is it possible to have a tutorial to follow so I could implement this to my HA? Thanks

    • Tony Gauderman  is it possible to share your node red code? taking out your specific API info of course.

  • Thanks for sharing the valuable information

    • MGWIN88
    • mgwin88
    • Asuji_Karuda
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks for sharing ur information

  • Thanks for sharing this.

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  • 1 yr agoLast active
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