Alexa skill, car location

I have multiple Bouncies and they work great. Work great in the app. Work okay on Alexa

I know this is minor but...Alexa use to tell me the vehicle location clearly mirroring exactly the location in the app. Obviously Alexa doesn't know, just saying whatever the data is sent to them and the app knows the exact data.


Now it has started saying the address screwy (technical term)

My example, in the app it shows the car at "5713 Main Street". Right on.

Alexa now says "is near 5700 5798 Main street" It's hard to understand the numbers as they all run together but I was able to finally get what it was saying above.

It's like it's giving a range. The funny thing is the app has the exact, single, address. Alexa use to say the same exact address not a range just like the app.

Can someone from support look into this and try it themselves?


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