Looking to access timestamps for lat-long gps coordinates

When extracting trips for a vehicle via the trips endpoint, is there a way to extract the timestamps along with the GPS coordinates when setting the response to be in geojson format? The current api only provides a start time and end time to the line string and then the corresponding coordinates in between those times. 

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  • Thanks for your question!

    Currently, timestamp is not available for each data point through the Trips API.
    Our product and engineering teams have been notified of your request and are considering this for our API roadmap.

    Reach out anytime! 

    • Matthew Twyman Thank you for your reply! In the meantime as this gets considered as a future feature of the API, would it be an unsafe assumption to assume that all of the lat longs as part of a linestring trip are evenly spaced? Trying to see if we can at least assign some temporary time stamps to the data that are usable. 

  • While the frequency is generally consistent, it can vary based on numerous factors. It would not be accurate to assume the GPS points are spread evenly over a measure of time. Various factors can impact data reliability and recording frequency.

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  • 1 yr agoLast active
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