Automatic Data Import Now LIVE
Our import feature is now LIVE!
To import your old Automatic data, select the Export & Import Data option from the top-right corner of https://my.bouncie.com.
Imported trips will be included in your Bouncie Trip History. Trip details, as well as the route driven, will be available. Some information, such as Speed Limits, will not be available for imported data.
If you have any issues at all, feel free to reach out to support (chat.bouncie.com) and we will be happy to assist
When I exported my data from Automatic I had to do it year by year rather than all 5 years worth at once. So, I ended up with 5 CSV files. I thought that I would have to combine them into one file in order to get it imported into Bouncie. Alas, the combined file would not import. I'm not really sure why, but perhaps Excel messed it up somehow when I combined them. Fortunately I had kept the original 5 files and when I imported them all, one by one, everything worked fine, so I am all set. Excellent work, folks!
Will Gallahue Only "issue" I see is that since two of the vehicles I imported I no longer own, I'm unable to view the stats but rather get a prompt to enter my device IMEI. Is there any way to bypass this step since this is an "archived" vehicle? I'd like to be able to view the "trips" tab for these vehicles but can't get past the prompt.