Gas Costs

I have to admit, I don't have Bouncie yet. I'm a long time Automatic customer, and was very pleased with their app. In their app, whenever I filled the tank, I could log where I bought gas, how much I bought, and how much I paid. Is this a feature that already exists in Bouncie? If not, is it something on the roadmap?

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  • Hi David - We've been getting requests for this feature and it's something we are definitely exploring. 

    We have an internal roadmap tool and I'm working with our team to see how we can provide more visibility to our users.

    I'll keep you posted.

  • I had automatic and loved being able to record my fuelups. It was interesting to go back and see how much I paid a gallon each time I refueled.. I hope they can add this feature to Bouncie.

    I would like to see them add the cost of gas used for each trip like they did with automatic. I attached a couple of screenshots below.

    I got my Bouncie today and just got it set up. So far it seems good. The fuelups and not showing the cost of the trips are the main things I miss. 

    It would be nice if they had the crash detection feature.

    • Curtis S
    • curtis_s
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Former automatic user here.  Consider this an upvote for fill-up tracking in bouncie.  While you are at it, take it one step further and add an odometer field for each fill up. This is something that was lacking in automatic.   For what it's worth, many automatic users are data nerds, so these types of features, along with trip data like mpg will be the difference for users like me signing up for bouncie.   Of course, it all needs to be accessible via an API.  :)

    Like 1
  • I agree with this thread. Would be great to have it. I currently use road trip app since no longer using automatic where i can track 

  • I agree also. 
    I use a separate app for this now - would be great to have it integrated.

    Would Bouncie be able to use the actual MPG from fillups to fine-tune the mpg estimates provided from the car?

    Also - entering the odometer each time would save from having to be regularly prompted for odometer checks.  (Needlessly, I might add - the odometer has been perfect so far!)

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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
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