Probably Saved My Dad's Life

  • updated 5 yrs ago

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Story posted on Trustpilot by Faith 54


I purchased the BOUNCIE two months ago to track the driving of my 87 year-old Dad. The unit was simple to install and the app easily loaded on my iPhone to track Dad's movements. The only problem I've had with the unit is that the app sometimes does not update immediately with the info. from the BOUNCIE. The cost of the unit plus the $8 monthly subscription fee for the app. is quite reasonable. The app can also be added to multiple family member's phones. Only two weeks after installing the unit, it probably saved my Dad's life. His truck became stuck and he left the vehicle going for help in an isolated, rural area. With the help of the BOUNCIE, he was found just before darkness & freezing temperatures set in. I highly recommend the BOUNCIE!


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