Care Plan Update

 The care plan, as it exists, isn't very useful. Manually entering a due date or mileage for each item is too tedious. If the long term goal is to make Bouncie a one-stop app for everything about your car, it needs to a) track gas mileage and b) have the maintenance items recurring. Have a drop down so you don't need to type in "Oil Change" or "Registration" and then another for "every 5000 miles, or 6 months" etc. 

 As an example of a fantastic app for this, look at "Carfax Car Care" it even lists the car manufacturer's maintenance schedule. 

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  • Hi Rich, Thank you for the detailed feedback. I've sent this to our engineers and added it to our product improvement discussion. I'll keep you updated!

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  • Agreed!
    I was so excited to see how Bouncie displayed the maintenance on a timeline laid out to the future, but then found that it didn't make much sense.  Why can't I say my Tire Rotation is every 6000 miles or 6 months?  

    • Michael Wells Thank you for the feedback. We are looking to improve the overall care experience and we have some enhancements in the pipeline that will implement a lot of the suggestions here.

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  • Hey Bouncie, Any updates on this?

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  • 11 mths agoLast active
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