Enhanced Data Visualization in Bouncie App

I am interested in finding better ways to process Bouncie drive data over long periods of time. Looking at visuals and other graphics that display information about commutes, places you have been, total miles logged on cars across many years, etc. Automatic had a number of tools that you could use to process your data and I think it would be really great to have some of those features either native in the app or have another app that can process/graph data. Also interested to know how other users process data from .csv files and if it's possible to do these types of things outside the app. Thanks!

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  • I second this! They’re still using boring filter system from 2010s! Is it too hard to add a dashboard where we could see all the data in a cleaner way? I miss Automatic so much 😢

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  • 3 yrs agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 42Views
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