More Car/Engine data for gearheads

Since most modern cars report a lot of diagnostic and/or system information, I was wondering if these could become available to access at some point in development. I participated in an USAA pilot program (IMS provided OBD devices) and that device used to report battery voltage levels, engine temp etc. Automatic had just battery levels and an awkward horsepower torque tracking. I'm aware that much more data passes through ODB ports and I'd love to take a look at what my cars are reporting. Are there any plans to expand the availability of engine data? Pretty please? :) 

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  • Thanks for the suggestions/data points. I definitely think there's room for an "advanced" view with more granular data and I'll keep you updated. 

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    • Will Gallahue I second this suggestion!

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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
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