Hyundai Blue link issues

Hyundai has been trying to figure out why the blue link on my new car doesn’t work for weeks now.  Finally they said it’s because of my Bouncie.  I don’t believe it for a second, mainly because blue link randomly works for a few days at a time, and the Bouncie turns off when the car is off (the only time I use blue link).  Has anyone ever had any issues with Bouncie interfering with their car’s equipment (blue link, on star, etc)?  How full of BS is their explanation?

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  • I have a 2020 Elantra GT N-Line and have had zero issues with Bouncie and Blue Link. They both work like a charm. I agree and call BS on your service department. 

  • It's definitely bunk.  The day after they called, the Bluelink suddenly started working for the first time in weeks, and it's been fine ever since.  I never once touched my Bouncie.

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  • 3 yrs agoLast active
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