Former Automatic User looking for an alternative

It looks like bouncie could be a great replacement for the former automatic service.  I've long said that I would have happily paid for the automatic service because of everything it did; so $8 a month for bouncie seems fair IF it can do what I need it to do.  I hear an API is coming for boucie.  What is the status of that?  I see that IFTTT integration exists, but it looks like it's a bit more limited than what we had with automatic.  For example, there doesn't appear to be triggers for ignition on and ignition off.  These two triggers let me perform a number of tasks with various linked services.  (For example: ignition_on, turn wifi off on the phone. Ignition_off, turn wifi back on.  I saw on another thread that ignition on can be achieved with curfew settings, but that's not really ideal.  It can't be that difficult to add these triggers to IFTTT.  Those alone, would enough for me sign up for bouncie.  

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  • Hi Curtis,

    Let me jump right in:

    API - It's currently in private beta but we do expect to have it available for all users soon and when we do I'll be sharing more information on where to get setup for access

    IFTTT - Trip End is currently a trigger but we do not have Trip Start. That's really helpful feedback and I have already sent that to our engineers.

    We'd love to have you as a customer and I'd be happy to answer any other questions you may have

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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
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