Battery Low warning

We have a Bouncie on a vehicle that is only driven a couple of times a week.  We are in central New York State, and the weather is getting colder.  We have been getting low battery warnings regularly and I'm wondering whether to be concerned.

Are these warnings to be expected?

Does the Bouncie itself draw the battery down when the vehicle sits idle?

Should I get the battery tested?

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  • I live in Phoenix and I have a car that I used to drive once a week on Wednesdays. By around Saturday night I'd get the low battery warning. The following Wednesday the car would fire up just fine. The battery in the car is about two years old. I think an indication of how much the voltage is dropping would be a better indication as I don’t think the battery is "low" per se. When I used Automatic, they had a battery diagnosis page where it showed battery health and how low it dipped. That could be implemented. 


    I'm driving the car twice a week now and I don't get the low battery warning.   

    Like 1
  • I have a new car ... i checked the battery and it is 12.5 volts .... i just drove 166 miles it still says battery low ???? ... help

    • michael molinari I have a car that does the same, with low battery warning after driving it. Next time you start it and drive it a bit, the warning should go away and if not, I would contact customer service

  • Is there a way to silence these battery alerts or schedule them for a decent time. Mine always seems to go off at 5:00am.

    • You could probably silence those notifications from the phone settings themselves 

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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
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