Reporting of time spent parked at locations
Hello All -
Today is my first day using Bouncie.
I largely use GPS to track how long the van has spent at a customer location, to calculate billing on a time and materials basis.
Using the web interface I see a nice report of trips and when started and ended at what locations. Is there a report of the inverse? How long and what time frame the van was parked at location?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for being patient!
Currently, Bouncie will report the location while the car is moving and then report its final location when it is parked and turned off. Then when the vehicle is moved again, the process starts over.
Bouncie will report the start and end times to all trips.
I will check with our team to see if this is possibly a reporting feature that can be added in the future.
With you can export your data!
It can be accessed by going to and clicking on the top righthand corner. You will want to select Export Data.
The export will be a csv file that will have all the data from the vehicles and you can specify the range of dates to fit your needs. The csv file is a standard format you can open in any spreadsheet software.