Feature and Data Status (Updated August 25, 2020)

Synchronizing data between Bouncie and Automatic

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Accident Notifications

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API Access

API access is now available by request, please email will.gallahue@taillight.com for access

Fuel Details

We're looking at how to add more insights into fuel/trip costs as well as fuel costs

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    • Ken Hames
    • Ken_Hames
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    As a longtime Automatic user I've been spending the last several days looking for the best option. I keep coming back to Bouncie but the lack of Crash Alerts was the only issue for me. The Automatic Crash Alert feature really saved me after an accident a few years ago and got my car quickly towed off a dark rainy highway in the early morning. If you're really targeting an early June release and the transfer of existing Automatic data I'm definitely onboard.

    Like 3
    • Ken Hames You and me both.    I've spent far too much time researching alternatives and ended up here.

      Like 3
  • Mark me down as another Automatic user closely researching alternatives.  I'm close to sold on Bouncie - if I know for sure that I'll be able to merge my historical data, I'll order immediately.

    Like 5
  • I'm in the same boat. I was considering Vyncs, but their iOS app is garbage. (I installed it and was very disappointed. No wonder their app rating is so poor). Bouncie seems like it's got a lot of support.

    Of course, one thing I loved about Automatic, besides it just working great, was that there were no recurring fees. I guess that's why they went under. But spending another $16/month (two cars) for this isn't something I'm looking forward to. Not sure if there are any other options, though.

    Finally, I'm a developer, and have written a plugin that incorporates my home automation software with Automatic. It looks like Bouncie doesn't have an API yet, but is working to bring that to the table, too.

    Like 2
  • Thank you being the only vendor I have found that is recognizing potential customers due to the lost of Automatic and making efforts to assist them. 

    A few questions, if I may:

    1. Your device is based upon 3G cellular technology, which is being phased out.  Will I be required to buy a new device in the next year or two?

    2. Which network(s) is/are being used.?  Coverage is somewhat lacking in my area.

    3. How much data can the device store when it outside of a service area?

    Thank you

    Like 6
    • M Hubenthal Great questions, see below:

      1. Our device communicates on a data network which is covered differently than voice networks and our carriers have provided assurance that our device will continue to be supported through at least 2022 and likely well beyond that.

      Later this year we will be launching a 4G Bouncie device with a trade-in program available. We're very sensitive to the mistakes made by other technology providers and we are aiming to avoid situations similar to what some of you have already faced. 

      2. Bouncie uses AT&T and T-Mobile networks and will communicate data on whichever signal is stronger

      3. The device can store a month of driving data


      Amended answer 2 for technical clarity

      Like 4
    • Will Gallahue 

    • Will Gallahue Thanks for the reply and info.  I too am not excited about going to a monthly plan but the upfront cost is far less than Automatic was.  I am onboard and hoping the 4G trade-in program will not be a shocker.

    • M Hubenthal We saw, specifically with Automatic, the issues that happened when they changed devices and we want to avoid that situation entirely. 

      Like 3
    • Will Gallahue Good. I paid the AT&T bill after posting and the notice there said February 2022 is the end of 3G (thought it was later in 2022) so 21 months to amortize the device cost.  A trade-in feature will help.

      Like 1
  • Looking forward to it. Just got four Bouncie units to replace my Automatic Pro units. Looking good so far. I've got all my data exported, so ready for when you make the import capability available.

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    • Rich T.
    • rich_t
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi. Like some others, long time automatic user, and I have 2 questions:

    1. How does roadside towing work? It says you get 3 instances of roadside assistance per year, but is the cost of the actual tow included? I pay for AAA and have only actually used it once but like the piece of mind for my daughter. Would this be a suitable replacement?
    2. Any chance there's even a slight discount for paying yearly? Like others, I loved that there was no monthly fee for Automatic, and paying yearly would be mentally a little easier (I do love the 3 adaptor discount by the way, as that's how many I need.)
    Like 2
      • Rich T.
      • rich_t
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Thought of another question - can it clear DTC codes?

      Like 1
    • Unknown Name Hello! 

      Roadside Towing - Bouncie includes $100 of towing per incident and covers up to three incidents per year. This article will explain more: https://help.bouncie.com/en/articles/1037328-roadside-assistance

      DTC Codes - We provide you with engine codes that are reported to the app. Once they are addressed then it will be removed from the app, but you will not be able to clear them from within the app. https://help.bouncie.com/en/articles/1037854-vehicle-diagnostics

      Annual Billing Discount - We're working to expand billing terms beyond just monthly and will keep everyone posted with any developments

      Like 1
    • Rich T.
    • rich_t
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Sold - made my purchase tonight. Thanks, and I hope to enjoy the device/app for many years.

      • Rich T.
      • rich_t
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      If it goes until the end February (as the eMail I just got says) - only got 19 months out of it 😔add that $201 (3 devices) to the cost and it was roughly $17.25 per month. So the question is, do I do it again, with $231 up front this time?

  • I received the Bouncie device. Thanks. I've been trying to download my trip data from Automatic for several days and I always get this --> "Unable to fetch data. Please try again later." I seem to be able to get data for short time periods, but not the entire set. I'm wondering if you may have any insight as to what may be going on. I realize you are working on possible ways to integrate past Automatic data, and I (and many others, I'm sure) truly appreciate that, but I'm hesitant to install the Bouncie device at least until I have my existing Automatic data. I'm looking forward to getting this going, but if I won't be able to save past data, I'm considering shutting everything down and giving up on tracking altogether. Thank you!

    Like 1
    • Edward Hunter I had the same problem with automatics website. I got around it by setting a custom date range in the filter. Once I did that it worked fine. 

      Like 3
    • John Wohlers Thanks, John. I’ll give that a try!

    • Edward Hunter I set custom date ranges of an entire year and had no trouble downloading all my data back to 2013 one year at a time.

    • Edward Hunter I had data for two cars and when I tried to export all data it failed, but when I exported one car at a time (back to 2014) it worked. The year by year works as well.

    • Mitchell Smith That works. Thanks.

    • Don Fisher Yeah, seemed to be a bit fidly, but I got it done. Thank you.

      • T BROWN
      • T_BROWN
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Edward Hunter good to hear you got it done.  But in case others are still having the problem, and to add to what the others said, break up your data into chunks using Custom Range.  It's more about how many trips are in the range you want to download - i.e. dependent on how much you drive your car. I ended up downloading 1 yr at a time, but one of the years I had to split into two 6-month downloads. They're just .csv files, so you can put them back together as one file afterwards, if you like. Anyway...👍

  • Long time Automatic user migrated a couple of months ago... Did the import ever get completed/released? It would be a nice bonus to be able to look up the old trips in the Bouncie UI (which is far better than anything Automatic ever released!)

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