Feature and Data Status (Updated August 25, 2020)
Synchronizing data between Bouncie and Automatic
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API access is now available by request, please email will.gallahue@taillight.com for access
Fuel Details
We're looking at how to add more insights into fuel/trip costs as well as fuel costs
I just came back to check the status on import and see you now. Thank you for that. I have imported 2 out of my three vehicles, but the last one is almost 8 mbs. I see there is a 4 mb limit, but the link to help explain how to split the file doesn't work. Any assistance would be appreciated.
Well ... I wish I could be of more help. I downloaded all of my Automatic data, in chunks, with no trouble. However, before I got to the point of importing, I ended up getting a new car, replacing the vehicle that represented the old data. So, I just started from scratch with Bouncie with the new car and everything is going great.